(916) 387-8300

7411 watt Avenue north highlands CA 95660

Marble, Semi-Transparent Onyx, Quartz and More!

Hardwood, Laminate, Vinyl or perhaps Tile?

Looking to live in luxury setup and style?

We have what you need. Domus Surfaces offers large selection of premium slabs and countertops. Whether you want the natural stone slab on the wall or as a kitchen countertop, we can provide it! Semi-transparent slabs that can be lid up are also a good addition to your luxury home. Or even a restaurant or a bar, indoor or outdoor. Only imagination is the limit, add glowing or color changing lights under the slab!

Quartz or engineered slabs are also a bit hit for luxury home owners, have a unique look and style in your home or business. Highly durable product that lasts.

Bookmatches are another great idea, which basically means matching or putting together two or more identical slabs to make a single image, combining the veins or colors.

Bookmatched slabs are a good choice especially when you need to cover a larger area, for example a large bath or kitchen wall. Or even as a "picture" behind a bed.